Well even though I do not have time to blog these days I thought that I had some news about rescue boy stormy that some of you may still wnt to know.
Stormy passed away suddenly on Saturday night, he had a severe anaphylactic reaction and vet couldn't save him, We don't know what caused the reaction and are unlikely ever to find out.
Stormy was a one in a million and will be sadly missed.
Run free wee boy
Sunday, 26 September 2010
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
Life with Stormy
Well Stormy has now been here just over a week. He is starting to settle in nicely now (well I think he is kinda slowly learning that I am boss).
He suffers badly with separation anxiety and is quite nervous due to being abused and moved around a lot. He howled a lot in the kennel last week when mum and dad were at work. One of our neighbours came and upset mum and dad pretty much saying he would have to go because she and the other neighbours refused to put up with the noise. Dad told her he was new and needed to be given time to settle. He also spoke to the other neighbours who said it was not a problem to them as long as mum and dad were helping deal with it so that it isn't a permanent thing.
Me and Stormy had a few fights when he tried to be top dog above me and when he didn't take my tellings or stole my place next to mum and dad. He is slowly getting the hang of how things work around here.
Mum took him to the groomers at the weekend as he still smelled a bit, poor boy was nervous and just peed himself the whole time. She also spent weekend feeding him and playing with him in our kennel to try and make him feel happy there.
This week has been a lot better he is not crying as much and we are getting on better. I am in season so am teasing him a lot and mum thinks that might have a lot to do with his crying! We have played together a lot this week so Talia is jealous (she doesn't understand I need a boy at the moment). Last night the angry neighbour shouted at dad again. She admitted that the noise was less this week but said she wasn't putting up with it and Stormy had to go! Mum and dad are furious especially as she even admitted that the noise was improving. Mum spoke to some other neighbours who said it was better and just to ignore the other lady. Wat upsets mum is this lady has 4 rescue dogs so should understand that Stormy will take a little time to adjust.
Anyway enjoy pics of us playing and it is race time again this weekend woo hoooo.
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
Meet Stormy

Hi I am the newest addition to the Kohoutek clan. My new mum and dad were pondering one last addition after doing the Aviemore race with my new sister Kayla. They decided she needed a partner who was at least as enthusiastic about running with her even if they couldn't quite keep up her. They were thinking about possibly getting another puppy but saw me on The Scottish Husky Club Website.
I am four years old and was looking for a new home. My first owner was abusive to me :-( A nice couple rescued me but found that I was a bit too destructive and didn't fit in with their lifestyle so they handed me in to welfare and asked them to find me a good home.
I stayed with a foster cared for assessment, I have seperation anxiety and am a bit noisy. He noticed I pulled and screamed a lot on the lead so thought I might like to run in harness. I am also good at opening doors, fridges, stealing food and destroying things.I love running and can't wait to do more of it and become fitter.
My foster carer found me a pet home but sadly my new owner only kept me for 9 hours :-( I stole his roast chicken dinner, destroyed a few things and cried a lot :-(
My new mum thought I sounded adorable and told welfare she would be interested in meeting me. It took a while to arrange transport but last weekend a lady kindly brought me up to meet my new family.
I was a bit nervous but my new mum was was really nice and put me at ease. I met my new girlfriends. Kayla was a bit mean to start off with but all the girls seemed to like me. We went camping in a caravan due to mum and dad racing Kayla. It was great fun meeting new dogs and people and on Saturday dad took me for a run with Kayla after the race and on Sunday mum did the same (I am honoured as she is a bit nervous about running).
I have been a bit of a naughty boy this week opening doors, trying to steal food and I objected to sleeping in a crate so I destroyed it and sneaked into the kitchen to try and steal some more food :p I am a bit unsure about being in the kennel while mum and dad go to work and cry a bit annoying the neighbours but in spite of all this my new family love me and have decided to offer me a permanent home as they think that with some love and training I will be a great boy :-)
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
More racing woo hoo

Life has been busy again here. we had a few lovely weeks where mum was off work and able to spend lots of time with us. Sadly mum and dad ae both back to work now so mum hasn't had time to let you know what we are upto.
This weekend was more husky racing at Culbin. We had a great weekend there was a really great atmosphere with everyone pitching in to help handle dogs at start and finish lines. Me and dad had a great racing weekend we finished in first place on Saturday finally beating the guy we have come second to for most of the season! Mum was dead proud of me and dad :-) Sunday we finished in second place beaten by another really fit man with very long legs heheh. Mum said he scooted like the bionic man and that I did well to only be 30 seconds slower with my rather unfit dad running with me hehehehe.
Mum had a run around the trail after the race on Sunday with me and a friend and thoroughly enjoyed herself even though she got very muddy and broke a nail hehehehe.
Sadly we only have one more race left for this season :-( Then it is back to showing for me with the big Crufts show coming soon.
Look out for a big announcement tomorrow :-)
Thursday, 28 January 2010
Aviemore Sled Race

Last weekend was the 27th annual Aviemore sled dog race. Mum, dad, me and Skye have been many times as spectators but this was the first time as competitors.
Dad went up on the Wednesday with me, Skye and Talia (mum had to work) to try and get some extra training in with my partner Blue and to help with flattening of the trail. We had fun being as naughty as we could in the caravan so that by the time mum arrived ob Friday afternoon dad was close to a nervous breakdown hehehee.
Friday night was the mushers meeting and a mushers market where mum bought me a lovely new purple running harness. Afterwards mum and dad went off to a friend's caravan for drinks!
Saturday was day one of the race and this year is extra special as it is the first time weather conditions have allowed the race to be run on sleds in 15 years. Mum volunteered to marhsall in the morning so was able to see how many people fell off at the bend after the first big hill hehehe. She gave dad a few tips on how to approach it after watching lots of the other teams.
My first run was Saturday afternoon, I had a fabulous time the snow and trail were lovely on my feet and we were able to go fast and scare dad hehee. We finished in 19th place in a class of 37 teams. Mum and dad were very pleased with that for our first sled race and first race as a 2 dog team. Blue my partner is a very nervous dog he was scared of the loudspeaker system and of spectators on the trail. Dad also told mum that I was still doing the lions share of the work.
Sunday brought a bit of a problem, it turned out that Blue seemed to have pulled a muscle on Saturday and was unable to run on Sunday :-( Mum and dad were very disappointed. We had lots of offers of another partner if the organisers would at least let us still have a run (you are not allowed to switch dogs so if they let us we would be a disqualified team). The organisers very kindly agreed to let us run the trail even though we would be disqualified.
Dad decided to run me with Yukon who I have trained with in the past. He is 10 and retired from racing but a good steady dog and usually is used to help train other dogs up. Dad was offered faster dogs but thought it was not a good idea to run me with a strange dog in case we did not get on.
We surprised everyone by running the course in roughly the same time as Saturday which considering Yukon usually tires after a couple of miles was really good ( I think he was just scared I wold bite his bum if he didn't run well with me).
Dad said we learned a lot over the weekend mainly that they need to find a running partner of the same level as me as I am carrying my partners at the moment. On paper Blue should be a better runner than me he is from pure racing lines whilst I am racing lines on my dad's side but show dog on my mums side. People are very surprised how well I run for such a petite dog so the search is on for someone as hard working and fast as me!
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Talia news

Kayla has very kindly decided to let me tell you some news about me before we get back to talking about her again.
The weekend starting 15 January were my first proper trips into the outside world and what a busy weekend it was! On the Friday there was a photo shoot at dad's RAF base for some articles in local newspapers about our dad and some friends entering the big Aviemore Sled Dog Race.
The photographers and PR lady all thought I was adorable so I got to be in some of the pictures too. Mum didn't take pictures so here are some links to some of the articles (not all made it online as well as in the printed papers).
We were also in 2 of the other local papers the Northern Scot and the Forres Gazette.
On the afternoon mum and dad took us up the high street for me to have practice walking somewhere noisy and being approached and touched by strangers. I loved all the cuddles I got from people :-)
Saturday was more sled training for Kayla, I hung out and bossed all the dogs around hehehe.
On Sunday I got to be the centre of attention. BBC Countryfile were up in Aviemore filming a story on the Aviemore race and sled dogs. They were looking for sled dog puppies and I went to represent Siberian Huskies. Oh what fun I had I met malamute, Eskimo Dog and Samoyed puppies and had a play with them. I was the cutest and youngest pup there so me and mum had our photo taken with Matt Baker one of the presenters for one of the newspapers.
I really enjoyed being a TV star and having everyone fuss over me but in true husky style I made as much mischief as possible heheheh.
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Weekend Sledding fun

Well we were supposed to be racing at the weekend but due to some politics within the club the race was canceled at the last minute. Mum, dad and some of their friends decided we would do some sled training at the race site as the trails had been nicely prepared.
I went out on the first run with my racing partner Blue and dad The leader (who had 6 dogs on his team) decided to take us on the very long train, me and Blue struggled a bit so dad's friend gave us his bitch Nala to finish the trail with. Usually me and Nala do not like each other as we are both dominant girls but we were just so excited about running that we didn't fight.
Mum took Skye and my friend Little Skye for short run. Little Skye had other ideas though and did not want to run she wanted to head for the deep snow and trees and raced off the trail and mum fell off. Mum had one more go with Little Skye but she still wouldn't run so I got to have another go woooooo hoooooooo. Mum is a bit nervous of the sled so we did a short run and bumped into our friends walking one of their huskies so he was hitched to the sled too. Mum screamed a lot when he picked up speed hahahahahahahahahahaha.
Little Skye's owner Shiree had a little go with me and Skye, she wanted to try with Little Skye but mum said that would be dangerous the way she is behaving. Shiree really wants Little Skye to run but isn't having much luck as Skye is very naughty. Mum told her she is not prepared to keep trying her with me and Skye till Shiree is more assertive with her and instills some discipline as it is dangerous and spoils our runs.
As all the dogs present were fully vaccinated mum let her meet a few of them and Blue really liked her and confused her by cleaning her furiously hehehehehe.
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